TIBCO Analytics Meetup: Anomaly Detection Via Sound Waves At The Edge

Every quarter, our analytics experts present a 30-minute update to our virtual user community. This quarter, we cover anomaly detection in manufacturing equipment at the edge with a live demo of sound wave analysis. Join the live discussion with the TIBCO experts who developed these innovations.

You’ll learn:
-How to develop an accurate machine learning model for anomaly detection and error classification of sound waves produced by a fan in a manufacturing plant.
-How to use Project AIR from TIBCO LABS to deploy this model at the edge.
-How to execute this sound wave analysis in real-time and mimic an expert human in identifying device issues.
-How TIBCO AI solutions enable more immediate action to resolve equipment issues.

TIBCO Community resources including TIBCO Data Science, TIBCO Spotfire and Project AIR

To participate: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6960599675775180800/?isInternal=true

Fonte: LinkedIn TIBCO



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